Learn about what the Muslim Anthology Project entails and the goals it hopes to accomplish

The Muslim Anthology Projoct

The Muslim Anthology Project

MAP is a compilation of experiences and discourses that take place within the B.C Muslim communities. The goal is to present an authentic narrative about Muslims and Islam which is often overlooked by popular media and academia.

Our shared experiences and discourses make and shape the culture. Experiences include awkward moments of getting caught with your feet in the sink when making wudhu and having to explain hijab to fellow passengers on the bus. Topics such as officially vetting halal restaurants and the legitimacy of celebrating the Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) birthday are examples of discourses. This variety of experiences and discourses will be used to demonstrate the collective everyday lives of the average Muslim.

It should be noted that we recognize and acknowledge our boundaries, and we understand that our project will not be able to represent all voices due to limitations of time and resources.

Who it involves?

Who it involves?

This is a community project. Without the community’s participation, we cannot map the Muslim experience in B.C. We want people of any age, gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status, background etc. to contribute. We want to represent the diversity of Muslims. To be eligible to submit, our only requirements are that you are Muslim and living in B.C.

View Guidelines

Project Goals

Narrative & Representation

Narrative & Representation

  • Present an overlooked narrative
  • Curb misunderstandings about Muslim
  • Create our own narrative as Muslims
  • Normalize Muslims in the media
Analysis & Research

Analysis & Research

  • Resource for policymakers and local businesses to provide solutions to the needs of Muslim population
  • Apply findings to Muslims in the larger Western society
  • Demonstrate how the Western Canadian Muslim experience fits into the Canadian experience
Talent & Creativity

Talent & Creativity

  • Create a platform for writers and artists to showcase their talent
  • Put Muslims in the forefront of their own story

Need some examples of what kinds of content can be submitted to the anthology? Check them out here.

View Sample Submissions